Chicken limping and stumbling


5 Years
Dec 12, 2016
Erie PA
Hey all! I was wondering if I could get some tips on how to diagnose my girl who seems to be sick. She is about a year and a half old. She is a standard barnyard mix. Last night I got home at two am and checked on everyone and she was on the floor sitting. It seemed weird. Then all day she looked kinda frumpy and later in the day I saw her limp and stumble. I checked her feet but didnt see anything but will look again after her bath. When I went to collect her from the coop tonight she was on a very low roost by herself. Sooo
I have her in house and gave her nutridrench.
I'm in the process of giving her a good soak in Epson salt. She had a tiny amount of poop on her feathers and dirty feet.
I'm taking away food tonight so I can check her crop in am to make sure its empty.
I checked under her and didnt feel anything weird but I honestly am not quite sure what I'm looking for.
The tip of her comb has been turning purple on and off all day otherwise it seems normal. I believe shes been eating and laying but Ive been working a lot and might have missed something. They are on a flock grower finisher with free choice oyster shells.
Everyone else seems fine. She's kinda low on the totem pole but has at least 10 under her. My flock did have some lice but I treated last week and they have a sand floored coop that I added that earth dirt stuff and I haven't seen any on her. Its been really rainy and I have a mom and 9 ducklings that have taken over a corner of coop so its a little damper then I'd like. Here are some pics


*so after bath I checked her feet but they look normal. I also checked to see if she was egg bound. If she was I'd feel it right? I mean it would be obvious my finger was touching an egg? Shes very alert and Ill check in am if her gullet is clear. Not sure what else I should be checking for.
Sorry you re having to go through this with her.
That earth stuff is worthless when it comes to lice and mites.

Have you checked her for mites at night time with a flashlight?
They can suck the life right out of a chicken.

How does her poop look?
Poop looks good. Also used the 7 dust stuff on each chicken but didnt want to add it to coop sand because of babies I have running in and out all day.
Can you keep a close eye on her today to make sure she is eating and drinking well and to see if she lays an egg?

Have you ever wormed your flock?
Sometimes having worms can make them feel bad. Do you have a vet you could take her pop to to have tested? It is cheap and any vet can perform the fecal's the same test they use for dogs/cats.
So I'm pretty sure she has water belly. I noticed last night and did some more reading. Comb fell over, turned blue, and her backside is definitely water logged. I thought it just looked funny because she was wet but I went and compared to a different hen and hers is definitely swollen.
I have a syringe to drain it but not sure what else I have to do. Oh and i dewormed them a few month's ago but with the nice weather I should probably do it again.

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