Chicken Lover in the news

Thats an awesome story. I love to hear about stuff like that. I wish everyone cold be as compassionate.
I work with a rabbit rescue and we recently had a rabbit come in bc the owner wanted to have her PTS bc she had a urinary tract infection. It would have been less than $15 to treat, but she didn't want to deal with giving her the meds
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how compassionate the family is! Reading that article was way more rewarding than watching the news tonight. Happy families come in all shapes, sizes, and breeds.
I'm thinking they don't have children.

I know this is gonna sound harsh but I wouldn't want to spend $3600. to have myself fixed never mind my

But to each his own and I'm glad they're all happy. You'd think though when the chicken got depressed they might have thought to spring for a companion instead of leaving on the television........ I'm just sayin.


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