chicken run---how tall?

+1 on the walk in runs. Mine is 4 foot tall and I have a bad back. It's not a good combination! I am building a 20' x 30' x 6' tall run this spring. That's a nice upgrade froma 8' x 8' x 4' tall run!
Absolutely!!!! I agree 110%!
I'm with GarlicEater and Kuntry Girl. After a couple days of bending over to work on a low run your back will be aching. Or you you could do as I did my first time around and build your run roof at 6 foot when you're a little over 6 foot. It only takes a couple of times hitting your melon before you wish you had made it taller.
You're right about bending over and back aching. I'm hurting now. I am 5'7 and my walk in areas should have been at least 6 feet tall. (Note to self) That will NEVER happen again. 6 feet tall or taller for me. I just took some Aleve and now plugging up the heating pad. Build Tall and they will come!
Good night!
Wow, so many agree with me, Gawsh!

I honestly believe lots of room to move around in, for the gals and for you, is best. If you're uncomfortable, the chickens pick up on your tension and are not happy either.
And I love love my dh for building them for me,I`m the chicken lover and he is the builder,every year he will say,now when this is done you won`t want anything else right?and I say nope this is it,but the winters are long here and thoughts come into my head and I read and look at pictures on here and other forums and get all these great ideas.This spring he will build onto the big coop so I can have all my chickens in the same coop.The silkie coop breaks my back going in there to do anything,its only 5 st tall and with all the bedding in there by the middle of winter its only about 4 ft tall.
Ours is 5 ft tall, with a rounded roof that is taller with a tarp for shade.

Our coop and run are both portable. The run is pvc and wire and the coop is on wheels. We moved it every few days.
Definitely a walk-in run. I can't tell you how many times I go in there to fill their water, grit and shell cups, to catch a chicken, check on a chicken, spend time with them, clean the run, adjust things. I can't even imagine having a short-height run. I've done a lot of soil scraping and adjusting in there--full heaight for me (which isn't that high anyway!
In my mind I can see an elongated run 3' or 4' high with the door at one end, after 6" of snow and then rain for a week. There seems to be something I can't identify in the far corner, behind an obstruction and it's starting to smell now that the sun is out. OMG

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