Chicken run roof slant versus flat roof.

Jun 9, 2021
Hello everyone. I am making a chicken run to fit all six of my chickens. It will be 10‘ x 6‘ and the lowest point will be 5 foot high. I am wondering if I need a slanted roof in my conditions. I am also wondering if I do do a slanted roof can it be about 6 feet tall at the highest point and 5 foot at the lowest? I want the run to match the slant of my coop similarly does not have to be exact because I don’t think my coop is slanted enough. So I do not want it to be a big 1 1/2 ft. difference. Thanks!
Considering your conditions include snow I'd say you can never have a flat roof. However where the slant low point is might be important to you if you consider splash back from where the water will run off. I didn't consider this at first and so the pitch puts the rain runoff right in my walking path around the coop and it creates splash back on my coop. I resolved the problem recently but maybe you can avoid that hassle.....
I would not use a flat roof. Water stands on it instead if runs off so it will either leak through or corrode or rot the roofing material. You can get a flat roof on buildings but that is special materials and special installation methods. I'm not spending that much money on a run roof.

Is a 1 foot drop in 6 feet enough? What material and techniques are you using? You mention problems with your coop roof on that slope. Will it be similar? Then I'd expect the same issues. Is it better than a flat roof? Absolutely.
You can get a flat roof on buildings but that is special materials and special installation methods.

And they don't really work anyway.

The grocery store I work in has a constant problem with it raining indoors in heavy rain (today's rain being named "Ian"). They patch one leak and it breaks out somewhere else.

Today it's raining in front of the timeclock, in Shipping and Receiving, in the middle of Aisle 1, and between the deli's display of fancy cheeses and the salad bar.

Flat roofs are a nightmare over time.

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