
In the Brooder
Dec 5, 2020
Hi everyone! So I’ve had my flock for 5 years. The last week my rooster Stevie had a redness on his legs and belly I thought/think he was moulting he baths everyday. I just don’t want to make sure it’s not a skin irritation. No one else has it as dr as I can see.


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The dark feather looks black. The whole flock eats hay mash and are also part time free range. They were free range all the time but 2 dogs and a fox later we had to build an “enclose” which is massive with trees and a stream lol better yard than most but he he been really upset and more aggressive towards us since the encloser was built since was free range since his birth. We have 2 massive coop all with separate nesting boxes and dirt baths and perches.

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