Chicken stands on her heels and nervous about her balance


Jul 15, 2019
New England
One of my chickens is (once again:he) hurt or injured, I can't really tell. Last night I went to check on our birds to make sure no one was out. She had her left leg stuck between a hay shed. I brought her inside to warm her up, as it is rather cold right now. This morning we were going to let her out again and we found out she can't walk. She'll just stand on her heels and when we pick her up she's very nervous about her balance. It doesn't look like her leg is broken, but I don't know if it's an injury or a sickness.
Other facts about her if it helps
She is about five or six years old
She's a buff orpington who is slightly overweight
Was healthy until the night I found her stuck
I'll write more even I think of it
Than you!
No, her foot isn't frozen. It seems a little floppy though
She's always struggled with scale mites, it's something she's always had. We get rid of them and they always come back. None of the other chickens have the mites though. Could the mites be causing problems?

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