chicken stock in north/central California anyone?


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
WAY North Coastal California
I started a thread in the swap listings..but thought it might be better here

My understanding is that chickenstock is a gathering of us Back Yard Chickeners.....that being said....

Anyone interested?

I'm WAY up north --far from everyone-- so we'd need a host too!

I like the sound of the Bay Area!
I'd love to get together with some other chickenites. I know there are probably lots more people who would love to get together too. There are several of us on the east side of Sacramento. Also I know of someone up by Red Bluff and someone down by Ione. Also someone lives in Fort Bragg. There are also several people in the Bay Area. I don't know how often they check in here though, we're all on California Chickens together.

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