Chicken Themed Birthday!


Aug 11, 2020
Halle, Nederlands
The plan was that chickens would be arriving for my birthday this year, however, we didn't anticipate building our own coop in under a week! We got the keys to our new homestead on 14 August... my birthday is 26 August!

My gifts were very chicken themed (the t-shirt says "Yes, I talk with my chickens"). The food is also a bit of an in-joke as my husband's name is Kasper. :)

We were originally going to buy a coop but we just couldn't find something that we liked or was big enough and not insanely expensive. Here is our finished coop - I have done zero woodworking of any kind since I was about 12! And all the doors were done 90% by me, I'm so proud! The windows are lined with mesh so can be left open if needed and the floor is lined with vinyl for easier cleaning.

We picked up our 5 Wynadotte girlies yesterday afternoon who spent the day and last night in the nice quiet stable - it was a storm here yesterday and we didn't fancy moving the coop outside in sideways rain. And someone gave us an egg not 5 minutes after they arrived!

Everybody looked happy and chatty this morning and the storm has given way to a beautiful day, perfect for their first day outside!

Meet Mable (pink), Gladys (gold), Mildred (white) and Doris and Betsy (silver). I cannot tell the difference between Doris and Betsy but I'm sure that will come. They are 18 weeks old so hopefully if I spend some quiet time sitting with them they will get a bit braver and less flighty with me. I'm already in love with their little chatty coos and clucks and watching the different personalities (Gladys is a bit of a bully and Doris and Betsy are inseparable!)


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Hi @Gerritses , congrats 🥳 with you’re chicken 🐓 birthday. Great presents 🎁 .
Youre chickens have a great (huge) space now. Cant you leave them in the stable?

The new coop looks nice but just big enough as a place to sleep and rather small to stay in for 5 Wyandotte's.

A few tips from a fellow Dutch member:
  • The roost has sharp edges wich is not comfortable for the chickens. Better to round the edges a bit (plane and sand).
  • Put a wooden slat before the laying boxes to prevent the straw to fall out.
  • Make ventilation holes at the highest points in you’re lovely coop on both sides, just under the roof for a healthy air flow (and less smell).
  • Put the coop with the openings to the south-east side to prevent rain coming in.
  • better: Make a small run with a roof attached to the coop (pop door side). In a way the chickens can get out safe early mornings. This way you can leave the pop door open. Read about how to build a run safe for predators like foxes, marters and rats.
  • Do you want them to free range after the chickens get used to the coop? If not, make a large outside run (eg. with hardware cloth and cat netting on top) for safe and happy chickens.
  • Check on bird mite (bloedluis) every week in the summer.
  • Put a dust bath in a covered area with sand and a little diatomaceous earth to prevent lice and mite problems.

    There is a chat thread “peeps in Europe” you can join.

    Enjoy you’re chickens and the eggs of course!

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