chicken tractor photos needed


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2015
Hi I'm putting together a power point on urban agriculture. I need high quality images of attractive chicken tractors to include in this power point display. These need to be an attractive design for neighbor hoods of snooty city people if you get my drift. So anyone here have or know of another member that might be willing to donate images to the cause.
I just started building yesterday. I'll have pictures in a couple of months. I promise that it will be very snooty, with built in feed, water, and electricity. (when near an outlet)
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Hi I'm putting together a power point on urban agriculture. I need high quality images of attractive chicken tractors to include in this power point display. These need to be an attractive design for neighbor hoods of snooty city people if you get my drift. So anyone here have or know of another member that might be willing to donate images to the cause.
You mean the cute tiny ones that look fantastic to the uninformed/inexperienced, but are way too small to healthily keep birds in?
Please do not propagate that delusion.
There are thousands of those images online, try Pinterest.

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