Chicken Treats for Boredom or Protein Defiency

how old do my chickens have to be to eat cabbage? 2 weeks or 3 weeks?

I THINK either would be ok as long as you are giving your babies chick grit.
Thanks for the recipe, i t hink the girls will like this!!!

What is a chicken swing? I had NO idea my ladies might be getting bored. Everytime i log onto this site i learn something new, cool, and fun!
I am 100% sure my chicks were getting bored and over using the water nipples !

My husband is going to crack up when I tell him I am going to cook them a loaf hahaha

Also my chicks are on sand (they are like 4 weeks now) Is that ok for chick grit? Never even dawned on me that I might need something else.

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