Chicken Wire Isn't Just For Chickens! Great idea!!!!


In our old house, hubby made me a built-in china hutch and put chicken wire in instead of glass in the doors. So I am planning on having him build another one for me for this house and now I think I want to add a chicken wire photo frame so I can continue the chicken wire theme in more than one place

Thank you for the terrific idea!
I love that Idea! I think the picture frame and hutch will really compliment each other once he builds you a new one. You have to post it when he does!
That is just cute! I really want hubbie to cut out the middle of my cabnet doors in my kitchen and replace them with chicken wire. I did that on a bread box and it looked really good.

My dishes aren't pretty enough to have them on constant display that way. I really like to be able to close them up. If I had some really pretty miss matched china (which I LOVE), I'd like to do something like that.
This is soooo cute!
Great idea, thanks for sharing it! I'm going to use this as soon as I can find a good frame.
Salvation army, Good Will and garage sales are great places to find wonderful frames!
So awesome!! I think I will frame a pic of my favorite roo who has passed away like this!

That would be a really special tribute. In the collage that I made, if you go back, you'll see a picture of a very young pullet in the middle of the collage. That's Lilly. We lost her at 8 weeks and I gave her a special place within the picture frame.

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