Chicken with injured eye won't stop wagging head (Stevie Wonder Style)


10 Years
Oct 21, 2009
I have a Buff Orpington (5 months) and a Maran (6 months). Our friends watched them while we were gone two weeks and reported nothing unusual. The Buff was always really friendly, but no so much when we got back. The next day I noticed the Buff started shutting it's left eye half way. By the next afternoon I picked up some Terramicyn eyeointment and started putting it on one time a day. Three days later, not much improvement. But a day after I started using the Terramicyn, I noticed that she sits down, puts her head all the way back to her wings and starts wagging it from side to side (Stevie Wonder style) for half a minute or more. It almost seems like you can't stop her once she starts - very disturbing to watch. There is no foaming of the eye or nasal discharge or sneezing. The incidence of head wagging seems to be increasing. She still eats and drinks water. Any idea of what this is? Anything I can do to treat her at home? Meanwhile, the Maran is doing just fine.
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That sounds like a head injury, especially if she is walking in circles or backwards.
Poor girl... I hope she pulls out of it.
No walking backwards or in circles. Thanks for the concern. I was hoping it wasn't like a disease or something so my other girl doesn't get it.

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