Chicken years


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 14, 2010
Merton, Wisconsin
ok, they say that every dog year is equal to 7 human years. Is there such a thing as a 'chicken year'?
I'm asking because my favorite, cuddly, cochin banty named Margie is at least 6 years old. She carries her age well. She looks great, but I'm getting worried.
When they are younger it makes more sense, a 6 week old chick is similar to a six year old child. Same as a layer starts laying at 18 weeks, she becomes an adult. Here in Manitoba you officially become an adult when you are 18 years old. And so on.
An old Post but I was wondering myself. From what I have found, it varies a little bit by breed of chicken. I put this together based on Buff Orpingtons. This is based on experience, not some scientific formula that I developed.
6 months of age = 12 years of humans age
1 year = 18 years old
1.5 years = 24 years old
2 years = 30
2.5 years = 35
3 years = 40 years old
more of less, after this multiply actual age by 10 and subtract 10. so a 6 year old chicken would be about 50 years old. (6 x 10 = 60, 60-10 = 50)

A 13 year old chicken, though rare, is possible and would be about as possible and rare as a 120 year old human.

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