Chickens Acting Lethargic in the Heat

Mar 1, 2023
Hi all,

I live in Northern Virginia, where reaches 90 to 100 degrees every day. My five Barred Rock hens spend most of the day in their 200 square foot enclosure, which has a roof that shades about a third of the space. I have a 1 gallon waterer at the front of the enclosure and a bucket full of fresh water in the shady area. Whenever I look at the chickens out of my window, they are always laying in a big pile, panting aggressively. They don't even like to go outside much anymore, they just stay there, mostly unmoving. They are ALWAYS panting hard. Is there anything I can do to keep my chickens cool in the summer heat? I'm concerned for their health. Thanks in advance.

Living in Florida, my experience has been that shade - deep dark shade, is the best thing for birds in the heat. They crawl under bushes that are under big old trees, and I hardly see them pant unless they're out running around.
So, I would suggest shade cloth. It's not perfect, but every bit helps.
If you could add some foliage, even for the sake of future years, that would be good. We had an enormous Passion vine growing all over one of our coops that really helped with the heat (leaves block sun rays before they heat the surface of the roof). Something that would come back every year and grow vigorously in your climate would be good.
For now, if free ranging is possible and you have areas in your yard that have dark shade, it can help to let them go out and pick their own spot during the hottest hours (it doesn't have to be all day).
Also, on real scorching days, I run the hose in one spot to make them a big mud puddle to play / sit in.
I pick them up and put them in the kiddie pool and they like it so much they stand there for about ten minutes before jumping out. The kiddie pools have fresh cool water, I change it twice a day in this heat. You could just use any kind of tub or tote with some cool water, not ice cold, and stand them in it so at least their feet can soak up some coolness mine go in up to their wings.


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I live in South Central Texas. Summers are brutal for us and it has been worse lately. I provide my chickens with lots of shade (natural and sun shades) lots of water, some with electrolytes. I dampen the areas where they dust bathe and lately I have added terra-cotta trays that had helped a lot. They keep the water cool (place them under the shade). My flock like them so much that I have to change the water twice a day because it gets dirty ,they drink and stand on the trays.
They still get "catatonic" from 11 AM until about 6 PM when the temp comes down a little and they can get out in the yard. They pant all the time.


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