Chickens and Shellfish


11 Years
Jun 28, 2008
Northern Kentucky
Is feeding chickens shellfish safe? I have 2 points to my question.

1) Crushed mussel shells....I made Paella last night and have saved the mussel shells and the shells from the shrimp. I was thinking somehow I could crush the mussel like oyster shells but am afraid there may be some sharp pointy bits.

2) Can chickens also eat the shrimp and mussels? I have set aside all the mussels that were open before cooking and thought I could cook them for the girls...?

Thanks in advance to any and all who can answer these questions.
I am not positive but I would think that they could a little bit of any of that. With or without my permission my chickens eat more strange things than goats. LOL:p So I wouldn't worry about it.
That is a very good question. I would like to know if the mussel shells would be safe also. I think I read somewhere is the treats sticky about shrimp shells...hmmm maybe you can check that out to get part of your answer.
I've given our girls the shells of oysters with bits of raw oyster still attached to them and they love picking them over. They continue pecking at the shells long afterward, so they must be getting some sort of oystershell benefit too.

I'm sure shrimp would be fine too. Ours have eaten innards from lobster carcasses.
My girls love the shrimp leftovers. (the skin, if that what's you call it, the legs, etc) Oyster shell is recommended for giving hens calcium, so I would say you're good to go.
They can certainly have the leftover and scraps from these animals. HOWEVER, I would throw away the mussels that were open before you cooked them. They are no good for anyone!
Don't you worry about fishy tasting eggs? I gave my girls leftover catfood that was fish based, and could taste the difference in my biscotti. I don't feed onion or garlic scraps either ...

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