Chickens ate all the garden plants/cover crop


6 Years
Jun 12, 2017
Well, we always plant a cover crop/fall & winter forage for our chickens and rabbits. It typically includes a mixture of winter wheat or rye, turnips, beets, rape, kale, sometimes clover and more. We alternate what/where we plant in the garden, and often have thick lush green mats the animals use. The chickens are allowed to free range into this ~7000 sqft garden to help reduce feed cost. The rabbits get a handful of whatever we pull/clip a few times a week. The added bonus is we get to use a lot of what's grown for ourselves too. However, this is the 1st year our chickens and ducks have nearly decimated the entire plot! All that's left are a few little green sprigs on top of the turnips and a stray kale leaf or two. Though I'm thankful our birds have utilized our plot, I'm a bit concerned as they are still being their regular daily ration of commercial 16% layers feed (Not TSC). I'm starting to think they may be lacking something.
Well, we always plant a cover crop/fall & winter forage for our chickens and rabbits. It typically includes a mixture of winter wheat or rye, turnips, beets, rape, kale, sometimes clover and more. We alternate what/where we plant in the garden, and often have thick lush green mats the animals use. The chickens are allowed to free range into this ~7000 sqft garden to help reduce feed cost. The rabbits get a handful of whatever we pull/clip a few times a week. The added bonus is we get to use a lot of what's grown for ourselves too. However, this is the 1st year our chickens and ducks have nearly decimated the entire plot! All that's left are a few little green sprigs on top of the turnips and a stray kale leaf or two. Though I'm thankful our birds have utilized our plot, I'm a bit concerned as they are still being their regular daily ration of commercial 16% layers feed (Not TSC). I'm starting to think they may be lacking something.
I agree with your conclusion technically chicken should have 20 to 22% protein. do you give your girls mealworms?
16% protein is too low, so they're lacking in that department and might be trying to compensate.
Do you have a feed mill animal feed mill around you somewhere typically their feed for chickens is higher protein they usually range somewhere in the 18 to 20% but the crap that you get in the Big Chain stores gives lower protein amounts

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