Chickens attacking the non-laying old hens?


Aug 12, 2021

Two of our hens have stopped laying eggs completely. They haven’t laid in over a year, they are two of the oldest in our flock. The rest in the birds in our flock have been attacking both of them like crazy, like they have been rejected from the flock. We had to separate both of them for now. Is this normal behavior for the birds to be kicked out of the flock when they stop laying?! If so are our only options to kill them or keep them separate? Any advice appreciated!
There is rather a misconception that once you have a flock that gets along, that should stay the same. It is a fallacy. Flocks are dynamic, with often times changing in pecking order.

I always solve for peace in the flock. They are telling you that things are not working, and almost never will the flock revert to a peaceful state unless you change something.
As for reasons:
  • Could be not enough space as younger birds got bigger - this is very common in July, when chicks are approaching adult size - but generally it is older birds attack younger birds.
  • Could be they can sense something wrong with your older birds as in health wise. I have read were often times chickens recognize a problem before people
  • Could be older, slower birds are more victim like, and that will bring on aggressive behavior from some birds
I do think you should either cull the older birds, or build them a separate area. However, I would watch the flock carefully, and if there is a predominantly aggressive bird that begins to attack a new victim - that is the one I would cull.

Mrs K
There is rather a misconception that once you have a flock that gets along, that should stay the same. It is a fallacy. Flocks are dynamic, with often times changing in pecking order.

I always solve for peace in the flock. They are telling you that things are not working, and almost never will the flock revert to a peaceful state unless you change something.
As for reasons:
  • Could be not enough space as younger birds got bigger - this is very common in July, when chicks are approaching adult size - but generally it is older birds attack younger birds.
  • Could be they can sense something wrong with your older birds as in health wise. I have read were often times chickens recognize a problem before people
  • Could be older, slower birds are more victim like, and that will bring on aggressive behavior from some birds
I do think you should either cull the older birds, or build them a separate area. However, I would watch the flock carefully, and if there is a predominantly aggressive bird that begins to attack a new victim - that is the one I would cull.

Mrs K
Great advice! 🙂

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