Chickens choosing to perch outside


In the Brooder
Mar 6, 2023
Hello all!

I’m after some advice on my chickens and where they should roost at night. I have 5 pekin bantams all just under a year old. I have a coop that has two nest boxes and enough perches to fit 4 clucks on comfortably. When I had the girls I trained them to all sleep in the coop. It’s summer now in the uk and the weather has picked up! Finally! Over the summer I’ve been leaving the coop door open. Mainly because the pen enclosure around the coop is very sturdy and secure. It’s been built like an Avery around the coop. And I wanted to give my girls freedom to roam within the pen. I have noticed some of the flock have been roosting on top of the coop or in the perches I fixed quite high up in the pen. In the winter I intend to lock the coop to keep them warm through the winter months. But my question is. Is it ok for them to be perching outside in the summer in the enclosed pen? It’s not the same hen that sleeps out they like to mix it up between them. I work from home and I’ve been monitoring the pekin order. They have their hierarchy but no aggressive bullying. I’ve attached two photos one of the coop and another of the corner they choose to roost in. Any advise appreciated 😇


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Is it ok for them to be perching outside in the summer in the enclosed pen?
Maybe but......
because the pen enclosure around the coop is very sturdy and secure
....the chicken wire on your run is not predator proof.
I know you UKer's don't have the same preds as we do in the US, but a fox could chew thru it.

in the uk
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I live in the US, Ohio specifically and my 3 chickens also have been perching/sleeping outside the coop.
From sleeping on the ground all neslted together or up on the perch in the run.

They have chosen sometimes to go in the coop at night but mostly they have stayed out.

I am looking forward to seeing what they chose this upcoming winter or if I'll have to move them inside the coop every night.

Everything I've read said as long as they are completely safe in the run that it is okay they perch and sleep outside the coop! Hope that helps
They will always choose the highest perch. It is safer for them to be up highest, and the highest ranking of the group will take the best spot. The roof of the coop is highest for them. When the weather gets cold they will want to spend more time inside, out of the wind. When that happens they will probably go back to roosting there at night. If not, put some food in the coop then close the door behind them.
Due to temperature and lack of ventilation inside the coop they're choosing to sleep outside since the option is being given to them. It's up to you how securely protected you feel they are in their run / at your location to risk them doing so. Keep in mind they may not choose to move back inside in winter, because they're creatures of habit.
Hello all!

I’m after some advice on my chickens and where they should roost at night. I have 5 pekin bantams all just under a year old. I have a coop that has two nest boxes and enough perches to fit 4 clucks on comfortably. When I had the girls I trained them to all sleep in the coop. It’s summer now in the uk and the weather has picked up! Finally! Over the summer I’ve been leaving the coop door open. Mainly because the pen enclosure around the coop is very sturdy and secure. It’s been built like an Avery around the coop. And I wanted to give my girls freedom to roam within the pen. I have noticed some of the flock have been roosting on top of the coop or in the perches I fixed quite high up in the pen. In the winter I intend to lock the coop to keep them warm through the winter months. But my question is. Is it ok for them to be perching outside in the summer in the enclosed pen? It’s not the same hen that sleeps out they like to mix it up between them. I work from home and I’ve been monitoring the pekin order. They have their hierarchy but no aggressive bullying. I’ve attached two photos one of the coop and another of the corner they choose to roost in. Any advise appreciated 😇
I was free ranging my extra Roos inside our electric fence but outside the runs/houses. I lost 3 to owls and hawks... no more nights out of the runs! I learned my lesson when the first one was my pet "Mango" the Chamois Spitshaben. Heat broken. They were big birds. Salmon Favorelle, Black Australorp and Spitzhaben, all adults. So bantams will be easy pickings...took 6 months for the predators to catch on but once they did it wasn't pretty. They don't take all the bird...

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