Chickens constantly attacking one other chicken


In the Brooder
Mar 31, 2023
I am at my wits end and I need advice šŸ˜© I have a small mixed flock of silkies and regular-sized chickens. I have one silkie who Iā€™ve been trying to integrate for several months now and itā€™s not working. Everyone attacks her- the big chickens and the other silkies. She has her own pen in the run and a pen in the coop to keep her safe, but a few weeks ago it got to the point where they scalped her and drew blood. Since then, the one other silkie who was doing okay with her has been attacking her as well, so after she healed she started going out to her pen during the day and coming in at night to sleep since itā€™s getting cold at night and she doesnā€™t have any other chickens she can cuddle up with to keep warm.

Iā€™ve never had a chicken just not be accepted like this, to the point that itā€™s a safety issue. I even got some silkie hatching eggs from a friend and once they are big enough Iā€™m hoping they can be her friends. She roosts next to their brooder at night so they can see each other but not touch, and Iā€™m going to build a separate silkie coop and run soon (starting it within the week, as soon as I have all of the supplies needed).

Butā€¦ what do I do if they reject her too?? I feel like itā€™s less likely since they are all silkies and theyā€™ve seen her since the day they hatched. Should I give up on the original flock accepting her since they still havenā€™t? I pretty much have but Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s anything else I could try.
I wouldn't put her back in with the original birds. That injury was too severe.

I personally would find another silkie owner that will properly integrate her. The internet has a lot of crazies, so it would take some time to vet a new home. In the meantime, try your idea of integrating with the new chicks. But this poor girl is having a lousy quality of life, which I'd want to rectify asap (even if that means she moves on).

Also agree with nuthatched: she could have an underlying health issue that's causing the flock to be aggressive.
She could possibly be sick in a way you don't notice, chickens can sense these things and they don't want a sick bird they will attract predators near them.
I have really wondered about thatā€¦ sheā€™s never shown any symptoms of anything and I havenā€™t noticed any unusual behavior in the last several months that would indicate it but I know that doesnā€™t rule it out. Theyā€™ve never acted like this with any other new chickens, just her. She is incredibly timid (has been since day 1) but Iā€™ve spent tons of time with her and thatā€™s the only thing Iā€™ve noticed that stands out with her. Iā€™ve had other timid chickens before too though (granted not to her extent) and they didnā€™t get attacked like this. Just the normal pecking etc. I always quarantine new chickens and then introduce them very slowly and by the time new ones are out without a barrier between them and the flock itā€™s always just been minor pecking if anything.
I wouldn't put her back in with the original birds. That injury was too severe.

I personally would find another silkie owner that will properly integrate her. The internet has a lot of crazies, so it would take some time to vet a new home. In the meantime, try your idea of integrating with the new chicks. But this poor girl is having a lousy quality of life, which I'd want to rectify asap (even if that means she moves on).

Also agree with nuthatched: she could have an underlying health issue that's causing the flock to be aggressive.
Thank you for confirming that she shouldnā€™t go back with the original chickens. Thatā€™s what I was thinking too, but I didnā€™t want to no longer consider it ever again if I was wrong.

I know her quality of life isnā€™t good šŸ„ŗ thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been working so hard to make things better for her. Iā€™ve looked for new homes but like you said, lots of crazies on the internet šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve been looking for a home that only has silkies. Just because Iā€™ve wondered if maybe, as fluffy as she is, the big chickens donā€™t realize sheā€™s a chicken. Idk if thatā€™s even possible. They are fine with my other two silkies and my roo is a fluffy boy but he wasnā€™t fluffy when they met him. My pullet has started getting fluffier but not much. And sheā€™s solid white whereas my roo is buff like one of my orpingtons (though neither one of the orpingtons have taken part in the bullying) and my pullet is gray. But idk if thats even a possible explanation for this.
You would need to create a new flock with her as the top bird. But consider keeping similar sized birds with her.

When you hatch your future eggs, raise them in the coop she will be in, so she can get familiar with them as they grow. Make sure the brooder in the coop is fenced off from her but she can see them.
You would need to create a new flock with her as the top bird. But consider keeping similar sized birds with her.

When you hatch your future eggs, raise them in the coop she will be in, so she can get familiar with them as they grow. Make sure the brooder in the coop is fenced off from her but she can see them.
Once they are able to go outside Iā€™m going to put them in the same coop with a barrier between them! Our brooder is indoors and they are 3 weeks old now (I wasnā€™t very clear in my OP, Iā€™m sorry!) but she has a large dog crate with a roosting bar installed right next to it and once she comes in at night they can see each other. My husband said last night she was clucking very quietly and they were chirping back to her so Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s a good sign!
Thank you for confirming that she shouldnā€™t go back with the original chickens. Thatā€™s what I was thinking too, but I didnā€™t want to no longer consider it ever again if I was wrong.

I know her quality of life isnā€™t good šŸ„ŗ thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been working so hard to make things better for her. Iā€™ve looked for new homes but like you said, lots of crazies on the internet šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve been looking for a home that only has silkies. Just because Iā€™ve wondered if maybe, as fluffy as she is, the big chickens donā€™t realize sheā€™s a chicken. Idk if thatā€™s even possible. They are fine with my other two silkies and my roo is a fluffy boy but he wasnā€™t fluffy when they met him. My pullet has started getting fluffier but not much. And sheā€™s solid white whereas my roo is buff like one of my orpingtons (though neither one of the orpingtons have taken part in the bullying) and my pullet is gray. But idk if thats even a possible explanation for this.
You're doing the best you can trying to fix the situation. Chickens are such jerks. I really hope she can integrate with the pullets. :hugs

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