Chickens don't like treats?


Apr 2, 2021
I have a flock of 5. I moved them out to their coop a few days ago. They range from 8-10 weeks old, give or take. I've tried giving them snacks in addition to their feed and they want nothing to do with it! So far I've tried blueberries, raspberries, and mango. Only one out of the 5 ate a blueberry....and only one blueberry 😅 I was under the impression that chickens liked fresh stuff. Am I doing something wrong?
They won't know what it is at first. They'll only eat treats they've seen before. To get them interested, you could try sprinkling some of their food on top. You could also signal by calling to them when you feed them. Mine will come running if I yell "chick-chick-chick!" and toss something on the ground. Anything. Could be rocks.

If you keep trying, they will eventually pick up on patterns and learn what treats are... But they're really very dense about it.
They won't know what it is at first. They'll only eat treats they've seen before. To get them interested, you could try sprinkling some of their food on top. You could also signal by calling to them when you feed them. Mine will come running if I yell "chick-chick-chick!" and toss something on the ground. Anything. Could be rocks.

If you keep trying, they will eventually pick up on patterns and learn what treats are... But they're really very dense about it.
Awesome advice, thank you!

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