Chickens eating eggs

Glad it worked for you,
but I've heard way more stories of fails than successes with that method.

Did you blow out an egg and then totally fill the shell with mustard...or just put a little bit in there?
I wonder if the kind of mustard makes a difference?
I completely emptied the egg and filled it full with mustard and hot sauce. My girls HATED it and they haven’t touched one since.
Someone posted not long ago about mustard eggs, he said the chickens loved them lol.

I did try to do some myself once, I made a right mess, I was doing well at first then the egg broke and I had mustard all over the place. :barnie
Are your girls all using the new nest boxes still? I get the occasional egg in the new roll away box but mostly they are laying on teh poop boards or somewhere else in the coop. I've tried blocking off the areas they are using but ultimately it will be the whole coop! Can't seem to make them like the nest boxes. I've put shavings in there which defeats the roll away but I'm hoping I can get them consistently laying in them. Frustrating for sure and I can't seem to pick out my egg eater.
@dpenning, Well as I said earlier, mine wouldn't go in the new boxes so I put some straw in them and as you say defeated the rollaway function, I also put some fake eggs in as well.
That worked so now I removed the straw and they go in them now and I have the rollaway function.
@dpenning, Well as I said earlier, mine wouldn't go in the new boxes so I put some straw in them and as you say defeated the rollaway function, I also put some fake eggs in as well.
That worked so now I removed the straw and they go in them now and I have the rollaway function.
Thanks, I’ve done the same but I’ll keep trying!
Try putting straw at the front of the nest boxes as well at the entrance, I know the rollaway won't work with the straw but get them used to laying in them then slowly remove the straw bit by bit.
I have 2 x of these boxes, so it's like 4 nests.
I had that problem as well. I knew who who it was so I put her in a cage pin. She could see the other hens so there wasn’t a problem when I released her. I fed her cracked corn and scratch grain. She laid an egg and ate it for 3 days. No eggs after that. I released her 2-3 weeks later and no more egg eating. My thinking was to ‘reset’ her routine and it worked. Hope this helps! Good Luck.

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