Chickens not drinking.....


9 Years
Dec 13, 2010
Portland, OR
Hi we have two laying hens, a wyandotte and a leghorn, and usually they go through our approx. gallon size water container in about 3-4 days. This is their first winter with us and in the last few cold weeks their water consumption has gone way down. Now they're going through the same container in about 10 days. Is this normal?
I've tried subbing some moisture in their diet by feeding them yogurt but I'm not sure if that's doing any good.
Probably because of this neither one of them has laid an egg in a few weeks, though we do have a heat lamp/light on 24/7 to keep them warm and promote laying.
Is there anything we can do about the water or egg laying situation? This is our first winter with chickens so any suggestions would help!
As long as the water is fresh, clean, and readily available they will drink what they require. The fact they stopped laying may have reduced their needs. I would change it out a little more often. Ten day old water can't be that appetizing..
They will drink when needed. I do agree that if you're using a white light 24/7, it may be messing with their systems. So if you aren't already doing so, you may want to use a red bulb (they sell red bulbs that aren't heat bulbs), or use your white light on a timer so that they have darkness available at night. Sometimes, even with a light, this time of year is just not good for laying. Did they molt? Even a mini molt can throw them off. Folks who have a lot of birds still have a good chance of getting a decent amount of eggs through the winter. But with only two girls, it's possible that it'll be February before your egg situation looks better...

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