Chickens on the brain in Alaska

AK Mama

10 Years
May 2, 2009
Hello all! AK Mama here, new to the board!

I have been wanting to raise chickens for a couple years now, and the place we just bought was already set up for it. So now I am doing some serious studying, most of it on BYC!

I have a 10'x16' coop and 12 nesting boxes with an outdoor run on one side and an indoor run off the other side inside the main barn. It's all run down and hasn't been used (or cleaned) in at least a decade so I have my work cut out for me. My husband and 4yo son are both on board with me so I've got lots of great help!

I'll be posting pics later and asking for suggestions for renovating this old coop specifically to combat the cold here (it got down to -40F here last winter). And although the coop/barn is wired there's no electricity to it. Hopefully we can do all the work this year and be ready for chicks next spring! I'll also need recommendations for which cold-hardy dual-purpose breeds would work here.

We also have an old deaf dog, one barn cat and are in the process of getting another barn cat and another dog.

Glad to be here! This site is great!
from S. Florida.
Not sure what what breed you'll need for those temps as

a. I live in cornwall, uk
b, im clueless!!

But a big

Watch out this site is full of enablers!!!!
Thanks so much for the warm welcome. LOL Sethsleader, I will be on the lookout for the enablers...I could use some enabling right about now!

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