Chickens stretching neck, deep bawk. Help

Vampire Gardener

Apr 25, 2023
Thanks in advance for any advice! I tried to answer the questions from the help post instructions. Let me know if you need to know anything else. THANKS!!!

1) I have four types of birds, nine total. 3 Australorps, 2 Rhode Island Blues, 2 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Wyandottes. All born April 24th, 2023 - Mt Healthy Hatchery. All seem like decent weight for 10 weeks olds. The Rhode Island Blues are smaller than the others.

2) They eat a lot and are being housed in a temporary structure inside in AC most of the day. They go outside in the morning between 7-9am for about 4-10 hours depending on rain and how hot it gets and whether I have to go out and run errands. My inside temperatures are much, much cooler than outside. High 60s/Low 70s inside. Could going from cold to hot have anything to do with the issues? Outside it is mid 70s to 80s in the morning and typically high 80s - mid 90s in the afternoon. And humidity is high.

3) ISSUE 1 - One Australorp started to stretch its neck out once or twice a day, when they were about 7 or 8 weeks old. Last week I noticed a few others doing it. Still normally only a few times a day, sometimes back to back like the video I was able to capture of Hepburn doing it. They all still eat like crazy, so I didn't think it is an obstruction. They aren't lethargic.

3 B). ISSUE 2 - This week I noticed a couple of the Australorps sound like they are bawking low. I am worried about respiratory issues. I cleaned out the litter completely last night and I think some of the litter got wet from the vitamin water in the back corner of the coop. I don't know how long it was like that and I am worried they have been breathing in mold or ammonia. I cleaned completely and they are on fresh bedding now. Anything I should do for potential ammonia/mold exposure.

4) Not all birds are doing it. Maybe five are stretching their necks and two are bawking low/horse sounding. Wednesday one of my Black Australorps, and one of the biggest girls is the worst sounding.

5) No visible signs of trauma. I have three birds that still haven't pinked up their combs or waddles. Two are Rhode Island Blues and one is a Black Australorp - Lydia.

6) I'm worried they breathed in mold or Ammonia.

7) I give water, vitamin water, chicken starter, grit and they can forage when outside. I also provide them with 2-5 stalks from my garden daily including cauliflower leaves, romaine & butter crunch lettuce, beet leaves, and an occasional strawberry, tomato, and watermelon rinds. My garden is organic. I do spray with BT and Neem Oil. Could these organics be doing anything?

8) 70% of the poop looks normal. None bloody that I have seen. Some runny and consistently brown (10=15%) Some runny and uneven in color with clear liquid (5-10%). Some big, some small. Some black (when they eat more dirt/peat moss), white caps often. Most light brown. I'd have to start a spreadsheet on poops from which bird. Should I be doing that?

9) I've been making sure they have access to grit or dirt. Their dust bath has sand and peat moss. Been giving them lots of water with the vitamins that game from Mt. Healthy. I've been a bit worried about heat stroke since it has been super humid and hot lately.

10 ) I'd prefer to handle myself if it doesn't require a vet.

11) Posting a video of the neck stretch.

12) The temporary coop has pine bark bedding. Outside the run is movable and there is a dust bath with sand and peat moss.

Thanks for your help!
Thanks in advance for any advice! I tried to answer the questions from the help post instructions. Let me know if you need to know anything else. THANKS!!!

1) I have four types of birds, nine total. 3 Australorps, 2 Rhode Island Blues, 2 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Wyandottes. All born April 24th, 2023 - Mt Healthy Hatchery. All seem like decent weight for 10 weeks olds. The Rhode Island Blues are smaller than the others.

2) They eat a lot and are being housed in a temporary structure inside in AC most of the day. They go outside in the morning between 7-9am for about 4-10 hours depending on rain and how hot it gets and whether I have to go out and run errands. My inside temperatures are much, much cooler than outside. High 60s/Low 70s inside. Could going from cold to hot have anything to do with the issues? Outside it is mid 70s to 80s in the morning and typically high 80s - mid 90s in the afternoon. And humidity is high.

3) ISSUE 1 - One Australorp started to stretch its neck out once or twice a day, when they were about 7 or 8 weeks old. Last week I noticed a few others doing it. Still normally only a few times a day, sometimes back to back like the video I was able to capture of Hepburn doing it. They all still eat like crazy, so I didn't think it is an obstruction. They aren't lethargic.

3 B). ISSUE 2 - This week I noticed a couple of the Australorps sound like they are bawking low. I am worried about respiratory issues. I cleaned out the litter completely last night and I think some of the litter got wet from the vitamin water in the back corner of the coop. I don't know how long it was like that and I am worried they have been breathing in mold or ammonia. I cleaned completely and they are on fresh bedding now. Anything I should do for potential ammonia/mold exposure.

4) Not all birds are doing it. Maybe five are stretching their necks and two are bawking low/horse sounding. Wednesday one of my Black Australorps, and one of the biggest girls is the worst sounding.

5) No visible signs of trauma. I have three birds that still haven't pinked up their combs or waddles. Two are Rhode Island Blues and one is a Black Australorp - Lydia.

6) I'm worried they breathed in mold or Ammonia.

7) I give water, vitamin water, chicken starter, grit and they can forage when outside. I also provide them with 2-5 stalks from my garden daily including cauliflower leaves, romaine & butter crunch lettuce, beet leaves, and an occasional strawberry, tomato, and watermelon rinds. My garden is organic. I do spray with BT and Neem Oil. Could these organics be doing anything?

8) 70% of the poop looks normal. None bloody that I have seen. Some runny and consistently brown (10=15%) Some runny and uneven in color with clear liquid (5-10%). Some big, some small. Some black (when they eat more dirt/peat moss), white caps often. Most light brown. I'd have to start a spreadsheet on poops from which bird. Should I be doing that?

9) I've been making sure they have access to grit or dirt. Their dust bath has sand and peat moss. Been giving them lots of water with the vitamins that game from Mt. Healthy. I've been a bit worried about heat stroke since it has been super humid and hot lately.

10 ) I'd prefer to handle myself if it doesn't require a vet.

11) Posting a video of the neck stretch.

12) The temporary coop has pine bark bedding. Outside the run is movable and there is a dust bath with sand and peat moss.

Thanks for your help!
Also, number 8, look up cecal poop. I’m surprised it wasn’t noticed earlier. Completely freaked me out with my first birds in the first couple weeks, but totally normal.
Also, number 8, look up cecal poop. I’m surprised it wasn’t noticed earlier. Completely freaked me out with my first birds in the first couple weeks, but totally normal.
The first time I got a whiff, ugh. Still have to look up poop every once and again, but so far, all my worries seem unfounded. Thanks!

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