Chickens swallowed keys HELP!!



Oct 4, 2019
United kingdom. West Wales.
Need help asap.

So today I went to collect eggs, I had 3 out of 5 hens. Now one hen grabbed the 2 keys from my hand and ran off and swallowed it. Will this hen be ok? I padlock both bbxes to prevent anyone opening them, I'm concerned she may die? Will she eventually poop them out?

She's been fine, naughty as ever but i'm slighty worried. She just snagged it out my hand so quick and ran off and gubbled it down.. Ive asked a poultry farmer on what i should do and according to this person if i put vineger in her water she'll digest it quicker? I'm really worried for her, I mean she was so quick to yank it off me it was unreal..
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Sorry but that’s kinda funny. Hope everything works out, literally!
It kinda is haha. Anyhow I've let the girls out this morning and she seems fine, I've contacted a vet in case as her poop this morning had a little bit of blood in it but no key, mama mia :barnie

Not having much luck at the moment, time to get a rooster I think as there all misbehaving:th
It kinda is haha. Anyhow I've let the girls out this morning and she seems fine, I've contacted a vet in case as her poop this morning had a little bit of blood in it but no key, mama mia :barnie

Not having much luck at the moment, time to get a rooster I think as there all misbehaving:th
If this situation were a cartoon you'd be finding keys in your eggs! I hope she does okay, they can be such ornery buggars!
If this situation were a cartoon you'd be finding keys in your eggs! I hope she does okay, they can be such ornery buggars!
Just got back in and she's layed an egg, vet came up and said there's nothing to worry about, but has advised me to leave her alone for now. She's layed a double yoke egg I believe as its huge, maybe the key is inside. Forget xmas, it's Easter baby haha bad joke. :gig

The vet thinks she's passed the key and snagged her behinds, so he's advised me to bath her in warmish water with salt, and some watery cream/gel I was given.

I had to grind the old padlock off and put another one on, from now on padlocks will be removed before there let out in the morning. What a weird situation lol. Thanks all for the help, panicked a bit to much.. If the key is somehow in that egg I won't be to happy, as I'll be down an expensive padlock. Merry Christams Heny haha
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