Chickie brats


Mar 20, 2021
My chickie babies turned 5 weeks today.

I feed them a medicated chick starter grower but as a treat give them a handful of Nutrena Organic Starter Grower when I come into the room where the brooder is. I greet them with an upbeat, "Hi, Chickie Babies!", and reach into their enclosure with a handful of Nutrena. They all perk up and peep when I greet them and dash over for their snack but MAN, do they peck hard! They keep getting skin and I feel like my chickie babies are turning into teenage chickie brats. Does anyone else have chicks that do this? They ALWAYS have fresh food and water. I would like to think they are just happy to see me but I think I am kidding myself. Lol. Its the treats, isn't it? ...brats.
They aren’t brats, their just very excited about the snacks. I would recommend not hand feeding them all the time as some people have had problems when they get older with them going straight for your hands every time you come outside. Of course that doesn’t mean you can never hand feed them, just not always. Have you tried giving them any other kind of snacks (lettuce, strawberries, or an all time favourite of watermelon)? They are at the age were they can safely eat a lot of the normal chicken snacks. Maybe try giving them a strawberry (or a strawberry top) and just putting it on the side of their brooder to try and teach them that not all food comes from your hand.
I gave them a cricket the other day, and they have had tiny cucumber and tomato slices and occasionally mealworms. The Nutrena is the only thing I ever give them by hand and if I don't have a handful they don't pester me, except for Molly, one of my Sapphire Gems who just wants to sit on my shoulder and love me.
I gave them a cricket the other day, and they have had tiny cucumber and tomato slices and occasionally mealworms. The Nutrena is the only thing I ever give them by hand and if I don't have a handful they don't pester me, except for Molly, one of my Sapphire Gems who just wants to sit on my shoulder and love me.
There isn’t really anyway to stop them from getting excited about the snacks in your hand. I’m not sure there is much you can do, but do you have a hard surface (brick,concrete,etc)? They use those to help manage their beak, and nails, because just like humans they’re beak and nails are constantly growing, so they need somewhere to shorten them. Apart from that the only way to stop them from hurting your hand is to just not hand feed them (which I think before resorting to not hand feeding them, try just putting in a hard surface).
:frow Here Here !! I have bratty chicks. They are about 1 month and 2 others are 6 weeks. I do the same but also stopped last week as they think my Pudge on the inside of my fingers is something to try and RIP off.
ALSO, if you have Freckles, cover them :( I lost one to my chick and wonder if the other next to it will return. Lol, no really I'm serious.
I also have cardboard surrounding the bottom portion of the cage to stop shavings from going all over. They now peck at it to rip off tiny pieces or just do it to make noise. I can't get the coop run finished fast enough !
:frow Here Here !! I have bratty chicks. They are about 1 month and 2 others are 6 weeks. I do the same but also stopped last week as they think my Pudge on the inside of my fingers is something to try and RIP off.
ALSO, if you have Freckles, cover them :( I lost one to my chick and wonder if the other next to it will return. Lol, no really I'm serious.
I also have cardboard surrounding the bottom portion of the cage to stop shavings from going all over. They now peck at it to rip off tiny pieces or just do it to make noise. I can't get the coop run finished fast enough !
Oh my! I am not lucky enough to have freckles. I didn't get blessed with red hair either.

You are so right about the hand pudge. They are so adorable though. They are forgiven as soon as the pain stops. Lol.

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