Chicks acting odd/not warming up to me


12 Years
Mar 21, 2007
Ok two issues I am concerned on.

1. When I try to work with the chicks on getting used to me I use food in my hand to get them to come to me. However they attack this feed and my hand like they are starving! I have an 18 inch feeder in with them. There are only 12 chicks, and there is always food in the feeder. Any thoughts on why? It really hurts how hard they peck at my hand.

2. They are almost a week old and I have been spending time with them 2 to 4 times a day and they still act terrified of me, what can I do?

Thanks for any help.

1. Is normal

2. What do you have them in? If its a solid side brooder and they can't see you coming except when you look over the top that instinctively scares them. Once that's started they will take a while to calm down. Don't expect them to come running to you, they're not puppies. But as time goes by and they recognize you as the bringer of good stuff you won't be able to move because they'll be swarming your feet.
I have mine in a box and noticed that they were scared of me when I peeked in so I started calling CHICKY CHICKY CHICKY as I approched the box. They now come running, looking up towards the top of the box for me to hand them a goody.

I do that too! Except for me it's "chk-chk-chk." I say it any time I go near the box -even when I don't peek in. They seem to respond to it, and definitely know when I'm coming so they rush to see what's new.

I have noticed that my alpha chick (two and a half weeks) is a bit rough when eating out of my hand -she's the only one that does that. Usually I just push her back a bit and bring my hand to the others. They also pick at a freckle on my hand, but never too rough.
Thanks for all the advice. I'm glad to know the picking and acting so hungry is normal. . . though it does still bother me a tad.

The one that does it the hardest is some kind of Bantam I think! Its so funny.

Yes they are in a solid sided brooder, lol, a box I setup. I do call any time I am near by and when I take a phone call I sit next to them so they hear me talking, but that too gets them riled up and scared. I do not expect them to come running like puppies, I know they have a strong "flight" instinct. I just hoped for some of the cute things I hear chicks doing. Or at least what they did a few days ago
The first two days I had them the Astrolorps would come to my chk-chk-chk sounds, now they hide under the bantams. Also one of the ones I was told was Americauna when I bought it (now am told due to the feathering on the legs its not) it would curl up and sleep in my hand. This is the one that pecks the hardest at the feed in my hand. One of the White Leghorns tore open an old scar in the crook of my elbow where I used to donate plasma from. Took 30 minutes to get it to stop bleeding.

I'm not afriad of them only wondering what I have done wrong. . . .

You haven't done anything wrong at all. Just like children they will go through phases, some of them you're going to wish they'd just skip.

Is there any way at all you can set them up so that they have a view of the world in action? It makes such a huge difference when they can see the world more at their level instead of at predator height.

Right now I have chicks in an animal cage. Three of the sides are covered to keep drafts down and hold the temp where I need it. They are not intimidated at all when I walk into the room because they can see me coming.
It will take a while for them to get used to you but personally, I found leghorns and EE's never warmed up, while those cornish crosses frighten almost never! Even up to butcher time when they are lined up and look so calm I almost feel bad!

Good luck with your birds, they are in their terrible 2's and will most likley get over it.
Thanks everyone. I have a cage I can try but it is in storage. I'll try to get it out soon. Thanks again!


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