Chicks arrival this week!


Aug 2, 2020
:weeMy 15 Australorps will be arriving, and I am a first time owner. For those of you who do not know me, I have medical short term memory and I have done so much research, reading up on things, watching video's, etc. I want to make sure that I have not forgotten anything so I may purchase before they get here if I have. This is what I have:
A 6 ft. hard sided pool-keeping indoors
2 heat lamps-I wasn't sure how many to get with 15 chicks
2 baby waterers-small stones to add so they don't drown
packages of the electrolytes they need when first arriving
1 feeder-starter feed 18% protein crumbles
pine chips for bottom of pool
a few low-ground roosting poles
I have a plastic sheet which I will lay a sheet on ( i have 3) everyday so they can play beside me and get used to me. The sheets will be washed when all three have been used.
Hand sanitizer to be used before and after handling chicks
I also purchased the next step-up in food for them.
I would also like to know how old should they be before I take them outside to let them play in the grass?

ANYTHING I have forgotten? I appreciate any information. Thanks
I would get some chick grit. (Or just smash up regular grit) I had one chick that was obsessed with eating the pine shavings and got constipated real bad from it because I didn't have grit. Thankfully she made it but it was a ton of work and touch and go for a while. Also, be sure to post pictures here when they arrive! I'd love to see them. 😁
Thank you for a reply! I do have grit, but thought that was for later. I need to reread some articles. Photos coming soon!
If your chicks don't eat the bedding and only eat the starter feed they don't need grit, which is why I didn't have any. Unfortunately some chicks decide to eat the bedding and that's when trouble starts. So since there is no health downside to giving grit, I would recommend providing it. I wouldn't put it out day one since you want them to build their strength up not fill up on grit but I would provide it soon just in case.
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As far as how old before they can go outside, depends on your temperatures. Like I brood my chicks outdoors so they're "playing" outdoors from the start. Do you have a run space already set up, or at least a chick proof enclosure of some sort outside, to use in that situation? You will also need some area where they can shelter from wind/rain/blazing sun (depending on your climate).
If your chicks don't eat the bedding and only eat the starter feed they don't need grit, which is why I didn't have any. Unfortunately some chicks decide to eat the bedding and that's when trouble starts. So since there is no health downside to giving grit, I would recommend providing it. I wouldn't put it out day one since you want them to build their strength up not fill up on grit but I would provide it soon just in case.
Thank you!
:weeMy 15 Australorps will be arriving, and I am a first time owner. For those of you who do not know me, I have medical short term memory and I have done so much research, reading up on things, watching video's, etc. I want to make sure that I have not forgotten anything so I may purchase before they get here if I have. This is what I have:
A 6 ft. hard sided pool-keeping indoors
2 heat lamps-I wasn't sure how many to get with 15 chicks
2 baby waterers-small stones to add so they don't drown
packages of the electrolytes they need when first arriving
1 feeder-starter feed 18% protein crumbles
pine chips for bottom of pool
a few low-ground roosting poles
I have a plastic sheet which I will lay a sheet on ( i have 3) everyday so they can play beside me and get used to me. The sheets will be washed when all three have been used.
Hand sanitizer to be used before and after handling chicks
I also purchased the next step-up in food for them.
I would also like to know how old should they be before I take them outside to let them play in the grass?

ANYTHING I have forgotten? I appreciate any information. Thanks
You sound ready to me! You may want to have it all set up with the lamps ready to go before the chicks arrive, do a dry run to test everything out. You also may want to think about putting a screen on the top of the pool- they will fly out in the first few weeks lol. Depending on where you live in the world and what the temperature is, they can probably start to take short trips outdoors if it is warm and they have feathers at about week 3-4.

Take lots of photos and videos- they grow up quick!
Enjoy them!
Don't sweat the small stuff!

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