Chicks arrived TODAY!


10 Years
Dec 6, 2010
Branchburg, NJ
Got the call from the post office this afternoon that our chicks had arrived. YEAH!!!!

Picked them up and all is well.
I ordered 4 easter eggers and it looks like I got 3. Not sure what the 4th one is. Does anyone know what the brown one is in the picture??





They look healthy, eating and drinking and of course pooping. No pasty arse!
Your fourth chick is an EE. One of the EE's that I ordered looked just like your brown chick. Where did you order from? Your chicks are beautiful!
That other one could still be a Americauna. They come in all different colors. We have 6 of them and a few of them looked like chipmunks, but we had a dark one or two as well. Only time will tell if they will lay a blue egg.
Ordered them online from They have a minimum of 3 but I had to get 4 due to my location from the hatchery. They look to be pretty robust and even my dog is cool with them.

Thanks for the ID on the chick. Did not know they could look so different.

Now I get started on the coop! I have 4 to 5 weeks, all while building a deck for my pool. Its going to be one crazy month of May!
i'm a newbie, but i agree that they are all EE's! So Cute!! I have 7 EE's and some look like the chipmunk coloring, and brown, and I even some some cream and light brown looking ones. CONGRATS!!
One of my EE looked just like that as a chick. Now she is a pretty girl. She is colored up like a sparrow.

Aren't Easter eggers and americanas the same thing?

Pretty babies!
i'm a newbie but if i understand correctly, u can only get ameracaunas from a breeder, and EE's are sort of like an off breed of them. HHopefully someone with more knowledge will b able to answer u better.
No hatchery sells Ameraucana... They do, however, advertise them as them. Ameraucana is a rare breed, and the EE are basically mutts that lay green/blue eggs depending on what breed the initial cross was made with..
Yep still an easter egger. They have all differentkinds of designs. I have one (feathered freeloader at 19 weeks and still not laying) that is completely white.

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