chicks first trip outside


11 Years
Aug 5, 2008
Wendell, NC
Oh, I'm officially a chicken-nerd. I took my chicks outside for the first time - all 25. They started escaping. In hindsight, it was rather funny, but exhausting at the time!





I'll add a video once it's uploaded.
At least your embraced it the first time. They look so excited to be in that grass. Mine got all freaked and kept hopping into my lap.

They are such a cute bunch! Can't wait to see the video.
Thank you!

And (drum roll please) - the video!!

At first they just laid down - like the fainting goats. I was like - what's up with that?! But as soon as one started hopping around, then they all got into it. They were so pooped by bedtime!
i've been taking mine out weekly to play in the grass (i'd do it daily, but we've been having nasty weather and it's quite a job to tote the brooder out to the enclosed calf hutch we use as a small chicken run). they have a blast and it's so much fun watching them be so chicken-y, even at two weeks old. all the running, leaping, flying, digging, and chest bumping that they can't do so well in the brooder... i love it.
Mine were a bit squished - and it took me about 45 minutes to catch them in the brooder (even though they get handled every day!), and carry them one-by-one to the outdoor crate. And them the escaping and mayhem. Phew - I was tired! Our big coop should be ready within the next few days, and then they'll have lots of room to run and be chickeny!!
Congratulations! Your little ones are ssssooooooooo cute!
I was such a chicken
that I didn't take my girls out until they were eight weeks old. That was yesterday. They were hiding in their chick box so I pulled them out one by one letting them sit on my lap until they were comfortable enough to hop down to investigate. Silly buffs (first out) finally got off my lap only to flop down on their sides in the dirt. They were too funny! They didn't spring back up until two others were out with them...
I must be a chicken nerd too
since I took lots of pics. I posted them on my blog:
Aww how cute!
Mine are about 2.5 weeks old too and I take them outside sometimes in the evening. I just have three chicks so it's a bit easier to keep track of them.
But I'm still paranoid that they will scatter and I won't be able to catch them. (I let them out there free while I sit with them)

Cute chicks!!
Whats the last one in the pics?
Northernchick - great photos!
And I think the last picture of mine is an Aracauna. I have 5 Rhode Island Reds, 5 Red Star, 5 White Rocks, 5 Black Australorps, and 5 Aracaunas. I think.

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