Chicks Gasping then die


12 Years
Nov 15, 2011
New Market, TN
I have lost several chicks due to them suddenly like gasping for air for a short time and they just die. They are fine one minuet then they start gasping then they die. I did not see anything stuck in their throats. I have lost 4 in the last few weeks this way. I don't know if it could be some kind of disease or what? I put some corid in their water to be on the safe side. If anyone knows anything thing that would help them, I welcome the advice.
If you could give more specific details of age and symptoms when they become sick, it would help. Were the chicks from a hatchery, feed store, or raised by you or a breeder? Did they have diarrhea or blood in the stools? Were they eating and drinking? Gasping can be a sign of respiratory disease, and with chicks, mold or wet conditions in the bedding can cause aspergillosis or brooder pneumonia. MG, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases can be spread by a carrier chicken near the chicks.
If you could give more specific details of age and symptoms when they become sick, it would help. Were the chicks from a hatchery, feed store, or raised by you or a breeder? Did they have diarrhea or blood in the stools? Were they eating and drinking? Gasping can be a sign of respiratory disease, and with chicks, mold or wet conditions in the bedding can cause aspergillosis or brooder pneumonia. MG, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases can be spread by a carrier chicken near the chicks.

the chicks were hatched by me. They did not have diarrhea or blood in the stools and they were eating and drinking fine. Their bedding was dry and not wet either I could not find any other signs of them being sick, they look fine and then all of a sudden they started gasping and they suddenly die. They are a few weeks old and on pine shavings. I have raised chickens for over 30 years and have never had any do this.
Then I would suggest getting a necropsy by your state vet on one if you lose another. MG can be passed through the egg, and it can show up around 3 weeks of age.

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