Chicks in a bedroom


Oct 1, 2015
Port Angeles, WA
My garage is just a shell without electricity or insulation and with a definite population of rodents. So the garage is not an option to put in my chicks arriving soon.

I am considering an unused bedroom/office to keep them in for the first two weeks.

We have built a nice "growing room" in my existing 10x14 coop for them too. I am planning to put them there at about week 3. They will have ample space and be well protected from the adult hens until they can mingle.

They'll have the heat lamp in both areas of course, however, I feel I can control the temp better in a house for the first two weeks.

Lastly, it will be my first time growing up chicks, and being able to monitor them closely is important to me (can you say overprotective?)

What do you think? Has anybody done this?

Since its your first time raising chicks, you'll likely enjoy having them in the house (so you can pop in and oh and ah over them). But, once the dust and dander starts, you'll probably get over the novelty pretty quickly :D

I see no issue with your plans to house them. If it were me, I'd put them straight into the grow out room, but I don't brood inside my house at all.

Enjoy them, they'll grow up quicker then you'd expect!
Your plan should work fine, just remember be flexible. Have the room in the coop ready at a moment’s notice. With any living animals things can happen to make you change your plans.

I’m also one that broods in the coop from Day 1, but just because I do it that way doesn’t mean you have to. Some people brood in the house until they are months old. But as long as you can provide an area in the coop that is protected against the adults and other predators, provides good breeze protection but has good ventilation (usually openings up high), and you can keep one area warm enough on your coldest day along with an area cool enough on your warmest day, they can go outside at any time.
My babies arrived this morning and they are set up in the spare bedroom.

The only issue I can foresee is that if they don't become quieter than they are now, that might get a little annoying, lol. They sure are noisy! But the garage will be too cold for them, it still gets below 32 at night, so this is likely where they will stay until they are old enough to go into their coop.
Thank you both for the quick reply. I'm glad I can go this way as it helps me, I guess, more than the chicks

The grow out area in the coop is ready to go. It's all fenced in with 1" chicken wire at 6+ feet high and has little doors at the bottom that can be opened when they are big enough to mingle, but that are inaccessible to adult hens. I actually copied the idea from this forum. All I need to do is put the lamp and test for temp. They're will be no draft and it's a very solid coop (used to be a tool shed).
I do this regularly, whether it be with chickens, ducks,quail or soon to be pheasant. I currently have 27-one week old chickens and 40ish quail (just started hatching). I usually keep them inside for about the first 2 weeks. They're fun, easier to take care of and monitor, and more interaction helps with attitude and tameness in the long run.
How long does it take for the dust and dandruff to appear?
You'll start seeing it within the first couple of days. If you have reactive airway disease like I do, 48 hours will be all you can stand. Personally, if you have heat accessible in the coop, that would be where I'd choose to put them right from the get go.
When I get chicks I keep them in a bedroom too. The dust starts for me when they spill their food mostly. I recommend cleaning them everty week.

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