Chicks ordered in march, delivered in AUGust, and now....


7 Years
Feb 21, 2015
Upstate NY
16 chicks, came early august, how long do you think they will still need a heat lamp.
(keeping in mind October/November upstate NY temperatures, despite an insulated coop).
I'd say until they're about a month or two old would be good. By then they'll have enough feathers to keep themselves warm and be big enough to make body heat that is warm enough to keep eachother from freezing
A general rule that is easy to follow as a guide is to start at 95 degrees F when they hatch, then drop 5 degrees for each week until you get to the temperatures you are at, including nigh time. I keep the heat on at night (down to 70s) for my 4 and 5 week old chicks but turn it off during the day (in the 90s). I would keep a heat lamp untl they show you they don't need it anymore.

They should have an area where they can get away from the heat. If you see them away from the heat at night when its coldest they no longer need it.
ours brood in a giant rubbermaid tote with a screen over the top. heat lamp in corner. food/water in center. When they stop hanging out under lamp they are beginning to mature enough to get used to turning off lamp at daytime first
Early August, so 4-5 weeks now? Unless birds are sickly or undersized they don't need heat at all unless your temperatures are VERY low for the season, like under 20F.

They do need to be weaned off heat before you remove it (unless the temperatures of their cool area is equivalent to unheated areas outside), so I'd work on that in the upcoming week, then they're good to go.

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