Chicks outside??


We put our 4 weekers out in the coop today! They will have access to a heat lamp for another week or two.
I've got 2 bantam sebrights and a black sex link, all three 4 weeks as of Thursday. We're going on vacation in 1 week so they'll be 5.5 weeks when we leave. I was hoping to be able to bring them outside for the neighbors who are chicksitting for the week, but not sure if it's too early. Lows are in the upper 40s, low 50s. The roost and nesting box will be separated and draft free, and I was thinking of a blanket and a tarp during the night. Feathers are starting to come in everywhere and they spend daytime in the 60's all day. I was hoping to avoid the lamp since we'll be out of town.

Anyone have any recommendations?
Mine go without heat at 4 weeks this time of year. They are fully feathered all except the Barred Plymouth Rocks by then.

I have them free ranging as early as 3 weeks during the day.

It goes down in the 30s at night. I have enough chicks to keep each other warm at night. They sleep huddled up. They would even if it was hot. I have seen them panting in the pile - so yeah..

These guys are 8 weeks old. They were moved to the baby barn 4 weeks ago. 2 days later they were free ranging.
I put my 3 1/2 week old chicks (I only had two buff orpingtons) in the coop last night with 5 almost 6 week old chicks. One of the older chicks ( a barred rock) actually 'adopted' the two buff orpingtons before I put them outside. The temperature here is 80-85 during the day and in the 60's at night, so it really just depends on your situation. They seem to be fine. The coop is pretty tight and I do have a light I can turn on if it seems to be too cool for them. They say to start out at 95 degrees and lower the temp 5 degrees each week, so at 3 weeks the temp should be 80, 4 weeks 75 and so on. I figure the warm body of the 'momma' will help keep them warm. Mine are pretty big and feathered to be just 3 1/2 weeks, I might add.
My friend helped me with storey's guide to chick raising. I had a piece of cardboard shaped like an open six, light in the middle and the chicks could move along the cardboard and be as warm or cool as they like. It helped mine feather well and to wean them from heat, and not let them get too hot. They started going without the light most of the time last week, just put them in the coop today. They are a little confused, but they seem happy to have more room and a change of scenery.
I put my chicks out at almost 5 weeks. They were really bored I could tell. I'm in Nebraska and so far they have been through a horrible storm and 5 inches of rain which luckily they were in a nice covered coop and seemed just fine. They are getting to be really pretty and are 6 weeks old on Wednesday. I just go by how they seem to be doing. I'm ready to turn them out with the other chickens and I think they will be fine.

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