Chicks pecking my eyes.


12 Years
Mar 12, 2007
I have two chicks that like to play parrot. They usually try to eat my shirt, without notice, one pecked the side of my eye ball yesterday. The other chick did the same a few days ago. This last one is really painful. It seems instinct would tell them not to do such a thing.
There have been several threads about this. Please be careful with them! They are attracted to shiny objects, and you don't want to get a serious eye injury. Be careful! I don't let my kids put their faces near the chickens.
I stopped playing parrot a couple of years ago when mine did the same thing. What chicken can resist a pretty shine marble rolling around inches from their face.
They peck at everything...that's their instinct. I have three hens raising chicks and I've seen every one of those hens get their own eyes pecked by their chicks. I couldn't be as tolerant and loving as these hens!
I had the same thing happen yesterday. One pecked at my eye and attacked my shirt and buttons and another bit my ear. That one hurt and you can't see it coming unless you're built weird.
It was out of nowhere. She'd been there for a few minutes and then...peck.
Oh my! I can never let my husband see this thread. He is very paranoid about anything touching his eye, lol. He would never go around the chickens without safety glasses
. Sorry you got a painful peck, thanks for the heads up though! Oh and the braces thing cracks me up. My little sister (18) is scared of birds so if a chicken tried to get her braces...
You could potentially loose an eye to just about any animal which is why you don't stick your face close to theirs.

You were extremely lucky.

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