Chicks & pecking order...


6 Years
Oct 10, 2013
Denver, CO
So, I have a feeling I'm going to need to develop a thicker skin as a chicken owner. I know the pecking order is sort of natural, but can anyone suggest ways to reduce it? I've read keeping a constant supply of food, so they don't have to compete, can help. But is this healthy and will it help even with chicks?

Today at the feed store, where we bought our brand new chicks, there was a water tub of 1 month old chicks--and they were pecking the smallest one to death. It made me so sad. Its backside was bleeding. The store owner noticed at the same time we did and removed the chick, but didn't know if it would survive.

My goal is to TRY and raise tame, friendly chickens (I know temperament and breed play a part too), so any suggestions on things I can be doing NOW would be so appreciated! Thanks ;-)

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Lots of space. That's about the most important thing, even with new chicks.

But, there will be some pecking. I was in my coop today and noticed one of my older ladies harassing a pullet who was trying to lay. Older hen pecked the younger one's head and chased her out of the box multiple times. I have tons of space, lots of nest areas, feed available all day, etc. Chickens are just meaner than people, and they can be ruthless about culling weaker members of their flock.
Well, as the chicks are growing up, they will have to "decide" their pecking order by pecking at each other a little or comparing who is taller... But once they have the order established, the commotion should be reduced. But always remember: as long as you have two chickens together, one would always be at the bottom. Don't feel so bad! Hope this make sense!
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I think you should learn from the turkeys and live in the moment ("my life as a turkey", anyone?)

I wouldn't fret over something that hasn't happened yet. Pecking order disputes can be mild or wild, but you really won't know until you get your chickens and when/if a problem arises.

Should that happen, we'll all be here for you to help you remedy it. :)

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