chicks singing??? anyone else's doing this ?


12 Years
Jan 9, 2008
between Yelm and McKenna
cheep cheep cheep -- yes I expected this

BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP SQUAWK .. expected this too

what I did not expect, was ... prrrrrrt prrrrt prrrrt -- almost like a canary starting to sing
or a mama cat calling her kittens

maybe they have been listening to the wild birds outside
(cardinals, rock doves, thrushes, sparrows ... at the feeders on the tree in the yard)

in any case, it is pleasant music ... obviously they are content
fed, watered, fresh litter

I'm going to miss them when we leave .. only a few days now
Oh Lord. Mine never shut up! They are 3 weeks old and peep, chirp, squawk, sing.... Sometimes it seems like there must be more than 2 of them. I think all the time that they sound like wild birds.
These are my first and I didnt know what to expect. But there are 26 of them in my loft and they never shut up unless they are sleeping. It is hard to hear the tv downstairs. They DO make such a variety of sounds dont they?!?
Mine sing.
Especially my bonded babies. They also croon, hoot, chatter, and everything in between.
Mine sound like pigeons cooing sometimes. Almost like a bird prrr. Very cute. Every time I hear a really loud CHIRRRP I know I'll hear a thud against the screen covering the brooder. They sure would like to fly.
I love the trill! It is such a lovely sound of contentment.

I do not love the knocking on the side of the brooder, though, when they peck it for no particular reason (that I can ever discern). My dogs keep reacting as if somebody snuck up to the front door without alerting them, so they are even more barky about it.
I love all the sounds. Lulu purrs, trills, mutters, coos, and lots more. I talk to her and her sounds sound like she's talking back (maybe only in my mind).

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