Chinese Geese Gender


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2023
I have a white and a brown Chinese goose, and I can not figure out what they are for the life of mešŸ˜… they are about 5-6 months old. Any ideas? The white ones seems a little more hostile to everyone but me, and he always stands in front of the brown. He (I think) is also way more vocal, which the brown is starting to be. The white got his bump well before the brown did, Iā€™m not sure if that helps. Thanks!*I attached them as babies and them now*


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It can be difficult to sex geese. Here's a link with a few tips for Chinese geese:

Otherwise, you will have to try to vent sex them, which could be tricky at that age. Or you could wait and observe their behavior next year during the breeding season, spring to summer. There are plenty of websites and videos on youtube that show how to do this, but there are no guarantees.

You might also ask about this directly in the geese forum, here:

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