Chinese Langshans

Very majestic looking birds. I believe your F1 would be popular. I believe they would like the Svarthona cross too. You know how Chinese people loves their black boned chicken.

There are actually a type of black boned chicken that is not silkie that exists in China. They are called the 德化黑鸡 Dehua Black Chicken. But they are difficult to raise because they love warm weather. They are also small birds.
Fascinating! He looks so similar. I wonder if this breed is descended from the same general cross?
So enjoyable to be learning all this, thank you!
Fascinating! He looks so similar. I wonder if this breed is descended from the same general cross?
So enjoyable to be learning all this, thank you!
This breed is distantly related to the Ayam Cemani. It is said this breed existed in China 500 years ago. In the 1500's during the Ming Dynasty. So it is a relatively young breed. This breed is found in the Fujian Province.

The Langshan on the otherhand is said to have existed in the State of Wu (modern day Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing region) during the Spring and Autumn periods (770- 446 BCE). It's an ancient breed.

In imperial Chinese history Fujian was a province where they exiled people, so not a lot of people would want to go down there. I don't believe the Langshan and the Dehua mixed.

I believe that the Dehua was originally a tributary gift to the Chinese emperor back in the 1500's and we're probably Ayam Cemanis. During the Ming Dynasty a lot of the SE Asian kingdoms paid tribute to China. The Ayam Cemani existed in the 12 th Century in Java (modern day Indonesia). Do the timelines kind of matches. The Dehua later probably diverge into a different breed, probably by mixing Silkies into them.
silkies are also raised like this. Their legs are also featherless.
I don't think so, unless they have two different types(Both clean legged, & Feathered legged), of silkies.


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