Chose an egg to root for! - Hatch-Along

I am setting eggs to hatch on the 16th of Sept. You can chose and egg to root for.
Dum and Dee (double yolker?) Left to right back row, Dani, Dela, Tudi, Tami, Deni, Dolli.
Front row Demi, Dizzi, Tula, Tedi, Tod, Tulsa.
View attachment 3620176
Below we have...
From the back row starting at the left...
Jazi, Betti, Penny, Fanny, Sara, Lona, front row- Frank, other Frank, Cyndy, Lulu, Clyde, and Bonnie.
View attachment 3620185

From the back row left...
Bobi, Greg, Jan, Peter, Marsha, Gwen, Mary, Front row- Collin, Sam, Hildi, George, and Matt.
View attachment 3620188
If you end up rooting for the egg that hatches first, you are a good guesser. If the egg you root for hatches, you still have magic. If the egg you rooted for doesn't hatch, well thanks for rooting. I will keep all updated.
So the story on Betti, Penny and Fanny...
3 couples die in a car accident. St. Peter says, first couple cannot get into heaven because the husband likes to gamble so much he married a lady named "Betti." Second couple doesn't get into heaven because husband is a cheap skate. He married a lady named "Penny" The last couple before being judged says, "Oh forget this, common' Fanny!"

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