Clear Liquid Coming out Mouth and Vent


11 Years
Feb 12, 2012
Woodland, CA (near Sacramento)
Crop is also full of liquid, but it’s clear and does not smell. White leghorn 3 yrs. Was laying eggs 2 mos ago, stopped and had a little bit of water belly. Avian Vet drained and observed hint of milky yellow and put her on antibiotic. Couple weeks later she was laying eggs again, but 3-4 weeks later stopped again. Vet checked again didn’t feel any eggs inside or tumors, no water belly, so put her back on antibiotics
Crop is also full of liquid, but it’s clear and does not smell. White leghorn 3 yrs. Was laying eggs 2 mos ago, stopped and had a little bit of water belly. Avian Vet drained and observed hint of milky yellow and put her on antibiotic. Couple weeks later she was laying eggs again, but 3-4 weeks later stopped again. Vet checked again didn’t feel any eggs inside or tumors, no water belly, so put her back on antibiotics
Then, after we got back home, the water discharge started. The first day she was drinking excessive amounts of water so we thought maybe she ate something bad, But then it slowed down and she seemed normal, however now we notice the water is still dripping from her vent especially at night when she roosts, and today her crop was about half full with liquid and she was sort of vomiting clear fluid. Still walking around packing up things and eating but probably not as much as normal.
No clue but if she's drinking alot of water, that would explain the liquid & vomiting clear fluid. The dripping from the vent, is it clear & runny (water) or more "thick"? Is she eating? Try wetting/moistening her feed or even scrambled eggs to get some nutrition in her. I would call the Vet to see if "thirst" is a side effect of the antibiotic ... Sorry not of more help :hugs
No clue but if she's drinking alot of water, that would explain the liquid & vomiting clear fluid. The dripping from the vent, is it clear & runny (water) or more "thick"? Is she eating? Try wetting/moistening her feed or even scrambled eggs to get some nutrition in her. I would call the Vet to see if "thirst" is a side effect of the antibiotic ... Sorry not of more help :hugs
Hi, thanks for the response. We have fed her soft and wet food, And she is eating. We are communicating with our vet as well and waiting on her response today. I just thought I’d throw it out here since there’s so many people with experience raising chickens. We’re also treating it as potential crop problem and gave her some papaya enzyme today with watery crumble. There’s lots of green grass on property now.
I'd keep her on soft food, grass takes longer to digest and sometimes clog them up. Do you have grit available for her? I know some say you don't need it if they forage but IF they need it it's there.
I'd keep her on soft food, grass takes longer to digest and sometimes clog them up. Do you have grit available for her? I know some say you don't need it if they forage but IF they need it it's there.
Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes there is plenty of small gravel-sand for grit. I suspect it could be grass since the rain has finally stopped and it’s really green. However, I read that if it was a crop blockage liquid would be colored an have an odor. I also read about gape worm and more serious stuff. We’ll keep her on the soft food for now and see what our vet says tonight if she calls us back.

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