Cochin - hen or rooster? Update: Pics added


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Fellsmere, FL
Haven't been on in a few weeks myself, but have been spreading the gospel that is Backyard Chickens to anyone who will listen.

Anybutteringup, have a "Exotic Layers" from McMurray are about 18 weeks old now. I have three Cochins, one "blonde" (forgive my ignorance of the proper name), one black, and my personal favorite "Fluffy" who is predominately white, but with a speckling of feathers in all shades of grey and even a few brown. A really weird color combo. Anyshortstorylong, I have noticed that Fluffy is acting very Roo-ish, mounting and all. I also notice that she/he has a very pronunced comb and wattle (? the red part that hangs down under the beak) Neither parts are as big as the comb on an old Rhode Island Red I had, but both other Cochins (Mae West and Chewbaca) have nearly none in comparison. Fluffy does not have spurs though.

So what do you think? I always thought spurs were the deal breaker, no spurs, not a rooster. I know that if you have no rooster, sometimes one hen will take over the role...but the fact that Fluffy has a much more pronounced comb and wattle has me wondering.

Edited to add pics:
Here is Fluffy - A Roo or Dominate Hen? What do you think?

And a pic of Mae West for comparison.

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Cochins tend to be slower to develop so the spurs may not show up till a little later. My guys didn't have much of a spur to speak of until almost the 2nd year of their lives.

Hope this helps!
But they crow well before that.

Not always. Only my most dominate male in each flock actually crows. My little 2 month banty cochin crows, but my 6 month old SLW roo doesn't.

Also by the look of your pictures, yes Fluffy is a rooster.​
I thought I'd add to this: Hens can get spurs. I'm not sure if it's more likely with any specific breeds, but I have a Barred Rock hen with ONE spur, and I've heard of lots of others.

Buff is the name of the blonde color, btw.

Chooks: What? You don't like me calling her blonde??
Just teasing. Thank you, I've been wondering what the real color names were. While we're at it, what do you call Fluffy's color?

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