Cochin Thread!!!

Im thinkin so.

I bought 3 white cochin bantams once from a bantam bin from farm store.

They had somewhat feathers on their legs but fig hatchery quality.

As they grew their boots disappeared and they grew tails And slimmed up

In the end, they looked exactly like pure white duccles without boots.

I fig a cross breed of oeg and duccle. So im thinkin it could be the same for you too. But only time will tell.
I am so glad I am not the only one that does this :lau  I use my hands to scratch in the dirt when I feed my girls and make clucking noises my family has seen me do it a couple times and thinks I am crazy! 

Yay! Im not alone! My family laughs at me too, but guess who doesnt have to chase chicks around so ha!
Im thinkin so.

I bought 3 white cochin bantams once from a bantam bin from farm store.

They had somewhat feathers on their legs but fig hatchery quality.

As they grew their boots disappeared and they grew tails And slimmed up

In the end, they looked exactly like pure white duccles without boots.

I fig a cross breed of oeg and duccle. So im thinkin it could be the same for you too. But only time will tell.

Thanks for your help! I love what ever she is! I'm hoping a she her little comb is pretty much no exsistant
I am with you on being called crazy. My one year olds flock to me and follow me. My 7 week olds, over 3/4 of them come up when I get near. I too cluck,talk and scratch with them.Currently have flowers I planting just for the flock, yep I have gone off the deep end, but it was a short drop from where I was.;)
Trying to figure out how to even post on this thread... hope I'm doing this right. I'm brand spanking new to raising chickens. My husband and I are moving to the country soon but currently have our chicks in a brooder in our garage. Our cochin was bought from someone directly (not online) and I was told it was a hen. It is very skittish and runs from me every time I try and pick it up. Not sure if that's maybe more rooster traits or not. It's approximately 8 weeks old. This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago. Is this normal behavior as a chick and/or a hen? Any help/advice is welcome!!

It's currently housed with 2 leghorn hens, a silkie (hen we're told- who is also very skittish), 6 Rhode Island Red hens, and 2 unsexed reds (1 we're pretty sure is a rooster).


Food is the easiest way to any chicken's heart. That said, birds that weren't handled as much when they were new chicks are never as comfortable being handled, in my experience. The more time people spend with them, the more comfortable they will be with you if they are used to you being part of the scenery. My friendliest chickens are always the ones I hatched from my own eggs, and they will hop up on my lap. The ones I purchased as 6-8 month old adults will still come and eat out of my hand and stand by me, but they don't really want attention in the same way.
3 new babies. momma was my partridge and sire the buff boy (accidental) and oh boy they have fuzzy feet! depending how they mature, I may hang onto them, depending how the type comes along... i'll try to get pics later.
THANK YOU all for your help and info. I'll keep you posted on how she does. Based on look, I don't believe she (Molly as she's been named) is a roo... but I agree, you never know until you hear that crow! Our straight run red that I can already tell is a roo based on looks is starting to crow a little. It's so cute. I don't get that from any of the others. We're getting ready to move out to 3 acres and they'll have a lot more area for free range. Hopefully that will help too. They're confined to about 40 sf free range right now, for 12 chicks. I know it's enough at their age, but we want them to have as much space as possible.
I am with you on being called crazy. My one year olds flock to me and follow me. My 7 week olds, over 3/4 of them come up when I get near. I too cluck,talk and scratch with them.Currently have flowers I planting just for the flock, yep I have gone off the deep end, but it was a short drop from where I was.
I have done the same, my herb garden has turned into the chickens herb garden, and the other day mine were scratching in my waermelon plants I just laughed and said how cute, my husband on the other hand was unhappy and said if it was the dog or kids I'd be mad! I can't help it I just love my chickens!

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