Cockerel or Pullet, Black Australorp or ?


7 Years
Jul 7, 2015
Carlisle, MA
Hi, just became a member and these are my first 4 chicks. I got them from a local Agway the day they arrived there on May 14. Not sure which hatchery. Supposed to be all pullets 90% accuracy. I got a RI Red, sure that is a pullet, got an EE and sure that is a pullet, got two black chicks hoping one was a Barred Rock (oops, dopey me) but assumed they were both Black Australorps now due to the signs at the Agway. Now I'm not sure they are the same breed and not sure if they are both pullets. I can't have a Roo due to neighbors. They should be about 8wks old. First picture is of the two black chicken's heads. Most noticeable difference is the one on the left has light color in his/her beak and more light around the eye. When the comb started to emerge it was yellow. Pink showing up now. Chicken on right all black beak and when comb started to emerge was all black. However one on right carries his/her tail like a rooster!

Next picture is of the one on the left above, full body. Carries the tail low and is VERY friendly.

Next picture is full body of the chicken on the right in the top photo with the roo type tail carriage

So do I have roos or pullets and do I have 2 black Australorps or 1 of those and 1 of something else? Thanks!!!! Jeannie
Thanks everyone for chiming in. I feel a little more relaxed now. Will keep an eye on that one comb. I do hope they are both pullets!
I was wondering if those were 2 different breeds! Tried looking at the bottom of the feet tonight and I "think" the one with the part-colored beak has yellow bottoms. I'll look more closely tomorrow. In the meantime I posted the one with the part-colored beak on the Black Jersey Giant thread asking for opinions there. Thanks! Jeannie

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