Cockerel or Pullet - Please help


✝️ Perfectly Imperfect ✝️
May 31, 2019
Moore County, NC
Hi friends! I'm hoping for some help in sexing my 2 Wyandotte's (SLW). They'll be 5 weeks old tomorrow. One of them was ordered from Cackle Hatchery as a pullet (in a group of 3 - one of 3 different breeds) and one of them was an extra (free) chick included in the order. Just as a side note, in case you're not familiar with my many postings, I ordered a group of 3 pullets (1 Barred Rock, 1 Buff Orpington and 1 SLWyandotte) and received 2 of each breed. We've already figured out that one of the BO's is a cockerel (he is the bully chick I've posted about), so I'm concerned about the Wyandotte's. I am confident that both Barred Rocks are pullets because I have a BR Cockerel that I'm rehoming and they have the classic BR Pullet characteristics. I'm not at all familiar with the pullet/cockerel characteristics in SLW, so I'm hoping you can help. One of them is the smallest of all of my chicks & I'm pretty certain this chick is at the bottom of the pecking order, so I do take this one out and feed it boiled egg every few days and that's made quite a difference in the bird. I'll post the pick of this one first. It's been named Izzy. The tail feathers are much less than the other SLW and it's smaller. It's also much darker than the other one.

The other SLW has quite a lot more white feathers and is comparable in size to my Barred Rock Pullets. It has a deformed toe (1 foot is MUCH more noticeable than the very slight deformity in the other foot). This one is named "Fashion" (because I read that Wyandottes are like fashion models)

Please overlook the mess in my shop. Trying to integrate chicken supplies in my small dog grooming shop is proving to be difficult, with such a small space :idunno
Silver laced are pretty easy once feathers come in. Males have a very pattern to them.

You can see the male has a lot of white while the female is laced everywhere.

I believe you have females.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and reply to it. I sincerely appreciate your time and help. I am elated to hear that you believe they're both pullets! Also, I am grateful that you took the time to help me learn what to look for. Thank you so much :celebrate
Yes, I believe both are pullets. SLW pullets feathers are duller in contrast than cockerels. If you had cockerels, they would be a much more vivid high contrast black and white. You would also see much redder combs on any cockerels at five weeks and beginnings of wattles. Pullets combs and wattles develop much more slowly.

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