Cockerels of Uncertain Heritage


All will be well, and that will be well is well.
Aug 3, 2018
Black Hills, South Dakota, USA
I bought an incubator, so I ordered eggs on e-bay to attempt hatching. It took the post office a couple extra days to deliver them (of course). All seven (of twenty) that started developing for me ended up hatching, so overall I thought it was a good result. I was only expecting to receive twelve eggs and I didn’t really need any more chickens in any case. I’m wondering what y’all think of three little boys that came of that experiment:


Sir Puffy Face (Puff to his friends) There’s a little fringe of feathers on his legs.



Jack (Barred Rock?)



Ruffio (smallest of his fellow hatchlings)
I think its probable they're all mixes, certainly the first and third. The first could be a favrolle mix... It would explain the little muffs and the feathers on the legs.
The second could be a barred rock, but I'd wager to say he's not full blooded, even hatchery. Something about his body shape says he's not.
The last... He's a mixed up pup.
I think its probable they're all mixes, certainly the first and third. The first could be a favrolle mix... It would explain the little muffs and the feathers on the legs.
The second could be a barred rock, but I'd wager to say he's not full blooded, even hatchery. Something about his body shape says he's not.
The last... He's a mixed up pup.

Why wouldn’t the third be a Crested Cream Legbar cockerel? He has a crest, white earlobes, clean yellow legs and the typical pattern. Just asking for future situations as I would have said he’s pure CCL.
Why wouldn’t the third be a Crested Cream Legbar cockerel? He has a crest, white earlobes, clean yellow legs and the typical pattern. Just asking for future situations as I would have said he’s pure CCL.
he could be a mix... but I don't believe he's full either. His color is off for a pure CCL cockerel. I guess he could also be poorly bred. From google.
I think his coloring needs more time. Also CL range from gold to silver
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This is what I was thinking. Males can range from having no leakage, to some, to the roo @Frazzemrat1 posted. So I would say he’s pure CCL. Not sure I would say poorly bred as he is how a lot of British CCL’s look. But I’m not an expert on breeds or standards so it’s all just my opinion.
Thanks, guys. :) Really interesting. I assumed they were all probably mixes including the Barred Rock(ish) guy. I was just wondering about possible parentage. It’s fascinating, how the different traits weave in and out through the offspring. Great to hear y’all’s analysis. :frow

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