Cold Rainy Day - What I wish I were doing (PICS)


12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Thurmont, MD
It is cold, rainy and dreery here today. I got out of bed and my St. Bernard mix jumped in. She has been there for the last 3 hours. I am working from home and would really rather get back in bed..... This is the life.
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Cold and a rain/snow mix here. I wish I were home on the couch in front of the fireplace, with a good cup of coffee, doing NOTHING.

Your dog has the right idea.

I hope he's clean.
It's amazing how animals have all of us humans trained. We're the ones that get up and go to work so we can buy them treats and food. We're the ones that serve them thier meals. I think they have even taught some of us how to jump through hoops
Gotta Love em. Wish I were back in bed too.
Yeah, my dog looks the same I am on the computer instead of grading papers - Shhh! Don't tell anyone! But, she went right back to bed. After she got the kids off on the bus, chased the chickens some and checked her perimeters she was off duty!

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