Cold snap in michigan with new baby and mamma hen


Apr 20, 2010
Wondering anyone's thoughts on what I should do. We have a new baby chick that one of our hens hatched. I check on them often, baby seems to be doing ok however, as much as mom tries the baby doesn't seem to want to come out from under her to eat, drink, etc. It has turned quite cold here and I'm wondering if I should bring the two of them indoors temporarily until it starts warming up again. Or if I should leave well enough alone. Thank you for any help you can give. (Baby was born On April 16th)
That broody hen isn't going to let her chick starve. The chick stays plenty warm enough and as long as you provide the mother with some chick starter (yes, they both should be eating it), she will make sure the chick eats. The cold snap won't last long, so it's not worth it to upset their world because it's a bit cold.
Thank you for your response. :)
She's had 3 other batches of chicks but never in this cold of weather. I'll stop being a "broody hen" and leave them where they are.

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