Cold snap question on ventilation being too low


In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2023
Hey all, first winter and I'm learning quickly all the things we may have overlooked. I'm in northern Indiana lower Michigan area and we are on day two of -20 to -30 wind chill. I covered the girls run before the storm so it has about 70 percent coverage with shower curtains to cut the wind down but allow for some fresh air. Every time I've checked on them the past two days they have been down on the bedding and not on the roosts. I'm concerned they are getting to many drafts from the ventilation on the low side of the coop. If so I don't want to shut that ventilation off, but would hanging a rubber strip below the roof line to cut down on any direct wind help while still allowing fresh air in and ammonia etc out? Here are some early build pictures to help. Thoughts?


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Some pics from when I was just out.


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Only sure way to test if there's a draft is to go inside the coop with a light ribbon or string at roost height, and see what kind of air movement there is, if any. A little light fluttering is fine, but if the string is stirring a lot, then that's a draft.

The rubber strip might work if it blunts direct winds. Other ideas would be putting air filter material in the vent openings temporarily, or stapling some burlap over the vent so there's still some airflow, but it's buffered.

Since it is very cold if they want to sit in the bedding right now I don't see a reason not to allow it.
Thank you all for the help I will try the ribbon test and look at baffles or some filter material as well. Will try to post updates as soon as I settle on something. So far the worst of the temps are almost over and they all seem good so far thankfully!

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