
I came home a little later than usual the other day.  Generally I make it home before my oldest gets home from school.  My oldest daughter was home when I pulled up and she was sitting in the chicken coop doing her homework.  I found this a strange place to be doing homework, but is was a really nice day.    She was sitting on the ground and letting the chickens peck at her, her books and her homework page that she so diligently working on. I told her that, given a chance, since the pages of her books and homework were brighter than anything else around, that the chickens may eat her homework and that her, not I, would need to explain this to her teacher.  She looked up at me with fear and amazement in her eyes, as if to say NO WAY,  Really?   This reminded me of one of those  "redneck  jokes"  that a commedian says, I think it is Bill Ingvall.   You know that old standby excuse when you didnt get your homework done the night before. The old homework excuse that your teacher never believed? 
  Honest,  Mrs Dueberry  "My Dog Ate My Homework"
Well,  This would be the new version for those of us with kids that like to do their homework with the chickens. 

"You might be a redneck"  that when you go to school, you have tell your teacher,  that while you were sitting with your chickens doing your homework.  They ate it.

Can you imagine a 13 year old that has always gotten straitgt A's, having to explain to her teacher that your pet chickens ate your homework.  And me having to back her claim up.  All my credibility would be gone, just gone.  I can see a trip to the principals office for this one. 

 She did have a corner or two missing from a couple of pages before she got out of the chicken coop  She only left so they wouldnt poop all over it. That would have been a whole new version of the redneck joke.   We have friendly chickens around here,  but they are not homework broken yet.  LOL

I just thought I would share this, as it was quite humorous at the time.  I could definately see her having to tell her teacher this and me getting that phone call afterwards and having to actually confirm this incident.
Maybe it would be like the mastercard commercial.  "Your pet chickens eating your childrens homework"  Priceless

!! Actually been there and done that only it was the Cockatiel in the kitchen with the math homework because the kid got distracted and left and the teacher DID call and ask as to why the homework was "a bit" shredded.

How are the Hatches going out there folks?
Hatching: took 13 duds out this morning, along with the turner. 11 not sure of, 17 pretty sure of. Monday is the projected hatch day.......Of course, chickens don't go ny the calendar, so it could start as early as Saturday and go until Tuesday.......

I came home a little later than usual the other day. Generally I make it home before my oldest gets home from school. My oldest daughter was home when I pulled up and she was sitting in the chicken coop doing her homework. I found this a strange place to be doing homework, but is was a really nice day. She was sitting on the ground and letting the chickens peck at her, her books and her homework page that she so diligently working on. I told her that, given a chance, since the pages of her books and homework were brighter than anything else around, that the chickens may eat her homework and that her, not I, would need to explain this to her teacher. She looked up at me with fear and amazement in her eyes, as if to say NO WAY, Really? This reminded me of one of those "redneck jokes" that a commedian says, I think it is Bill Ingvall. You know that old standby excuse when you didnt get your homework done the night before. The old homework excuse that your teacher never believed?
Honest, Mrs Dueberry "My Dog Ate My Homework"
Well, This would be the new version for those of us with kids that like to do their homework with the chickens.

"You might be a redneck" that when you go to school, you have tell your teacher, that while you were sitting with your chickens doing your homework. They ate it.

Can you imagine a 13 year old that has always gotten straitgt A's, having to explain to her teacher that your pet chickens ate your homework. And me having to back her claim up. All my credibility would be gone, just gone. I can see a trip to the principals office for this one.

She did have a corner or two missing from a couple of pages before she got out of the chicken coop She only left so they wouldnt poop all over it. That would have been a whole new version of the redneck joke. We have friendly chickens around here, but they are not homework broken yet. LOL

I just thought I would share this, as it was quite humorous at the time. I could definately see her having to tell her teacher this and me getting that phone call afterwards and having to actually confirm this incident.
Maybe it would be like the mastercard commercial. "Your pet chickens eating your childrens homework" Priceless

Love it!

Off to Ft Lupton in a little while for Heritage Fair. A very short break, but still a break. Time to relax and listen to the public ask questions and talk to their kids.

A sample discussion.......(overheard) Parent talking to kid: See, this is how they dressed during the Civil War........Then turning to one of us the parent asks, you are fighting for the south right? you aren't wearing blue...... I respond, This is a depiction of a militia unit in the Revolutionary war, not the civil. War. Different war. The north and the South fought together in this one. The parent then turns to the kid and tell him that he shouldn't listen to us, we obviously didn't learn anything in school...........

Off to Ft Lupton in a little while for Heritage Fair. A very short break, but still a break. Time to relax and listen to the public ask questions and talk to their kids.

A sample discussion.......(overheard) Parent talking to kid: See, this is how they dressed during the Civil War........Then turning to one of us the parent asks, you are fighting for the south right? you aren't wearing blue...... I respond, This is a depiction of a militia unit in the Revolutionary war, not the civil. War. Different war. The north and the South fought together in this one. The parent then turns to the kid and tell him that he shouldn't listen to us, we obviously didn't learn anything in school...........

Ignorance is sad, but understandable. Rudeness is not.
Off to Ft Lupton in a little while for Heritage Fair. A very short break, but still a break. Time to relax and listen to the public ask questions and talk to their kids.

A sample discussion.......(overheard) Parent talking to kid: See, this is how they dressed during the Civil War........Then turning to one of us the parent asks, you are fighting for the south right? you aren't wearing blue...... I respond, This is a depiction of a militia unit in the Revolutionary war, not the civil. War. Different war. The north and the South fought together in this one. The parent then turns to the kid and tell him that he shouldn't listen to us, we obviously didn't learn anything in school...........


Frustrating. I am amazed at how little of our Nation's history most folks seem to know. Including our Constitution.......
Off to Ft Lupton in a little while for Heritage Fair. A very short break, but still a break. Time to relax and listen to the public ask questions and talk to their kids.

A sample discussion.......(overheard) Parent talking to kid: See, this is how they dressed during the Civil War........Then turning to one of us the parent asks, you are fighting for the south right? you aren't wearing blue...... I respond, This is a depiction of a militia unit in the Revolutionary war, not the civil. War. Different war. The north and the South fought together in this one. The parent then turns to the kid and tell him that he shouldn't listen to us, we obviously didn't learn anything in school...........

Wow, hopefully only a sample discussion, not a typical one.

Best of luck on the hatch!

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